The Death Knell of Urban Communities

Makassar modern city (Source:

This article intends to describe how ethnic-based ecological demarcations once characterized the residential structure and unique ecological situation in Makassar. This means that the Dutch colonialists in this city increasingly perfected the form of ethnic segregation and brought fundamental changes to the face of the city due to the influence of their political domination. Even the architectural nuances of the building were deliberately set to resemble the conditions of Medieval cities in Europe by colonial-style technological engineering in the 17th century. However, the dynamics of the city with all the changes it brings about, then changes the characteristics and even remodels the residential structure of the ethnically labeled population. Finally, artificial locality appears as an effect of commodifying space, in turn creating a type of society that is only physically close but psychologically distant. Thus, the symptom of weakening of social ties by urban space policies is a sign of the death of urban communities.


·       Author: Ahmadin
·       Publication Type: National Scientific Journal
·       Journal Name: Predestinasi
·       Edition: Vol. 3 No. 2, 8 Mei 2018
·       Page: 153-162
·       ISSN: 1978-9351

Article Link: Read more


Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Makassar | Doctor of Sociology in Urban Spatial Studies at the Postgraduate School, Universitas Hasanuddin

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